Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Settled in. Life so far on the River.

All winter I was dying to write a blog once I had adventures to write about. Now that I have adventures.... I can't sit still and write. Excuses, excuses.
Our room at the outpost has come together nicely. Vincent still wants to add some shelves to cut down on clutter. Clutter is challenging in one room where you sleep, cook, work, and store books and plastic toys. We are so grateful to work in a place that welcomes our whole family. I suppose it is all family here though. Outside our door we have herb and vegetable seedlings coming up. The Blue Ridge Scenic Railway is 30 feet from our porch. At 12pm every day Lia leaps up to the whistle of the train and shouts "bye train, bye train, bye train" and we run out and wave to all the passengers.

The past few weeks Vincent and our friend Richard have been finishing the basement in a rental cabin. Lia and I would come by with lunch. Hopefully Lia and I will be cleaning that cabin for some extra money.

We also went with the Allen family to Blue Hole on the upper Ocoee river. When the upper Ocoee is not running you can find great swimming holes to play in.

For Mothers day we went down the Toccoa River in Funyaks.

This past weekend Lia and I visited raft guide Amanda and her 6 month old baby Lyla in Atlanta. We all went to the aquarium with free passes. Yess :)

We still eat out a lot more than I would like. Now that we have a mini fridge, hot plate and grill I want to get into a cooking routine. I started doing P90X again with some adventure interruptions... I hope to make working out in some fashion a daily goal. I'm limiting myself to no more than a beer in a day. Taking care of my body and family is what matters to me. Also I would like to find a local church to go to. The rural churches are different than the city churches and I need to get over my timidness. I miss my time with God and other believers. I miss reading everyday.
Vincent and I check in with each other on our decision to raise Lia around the outdoor rec community. Well... I check in with Vincent about it haha. It's so important for us to be examples and guide her especially when in a society that does not always choose to do healthy things. At the same time, I believe we are surrounding her with amazing people who love her and have respect for nature, play, taking care of each other etc.. Maybe one day Lia's home school education will be..online class time, kayak down the Nantahala river with Papi, care for her garden and animals, work on some art, identify plants and rock formations on the trails, helping me cook dinner. :)

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading about all your adventures! Sounds like you are having a blast!! :) Your little girl is just adorable :)

    Amanda Carpenter
