Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rolling up to the start line of summer.

It's March 26th the first day of white water rafting on the Ocoee. Vincent just drove off to the outpost in the cold pouring rain. I know he wants to get out of guiding today. We are still living in the Georgia house right now. 17 month old Lia and I just finished reading every book on her shelf + all the books from the tiny library down the road.
We are staying in a spacious, luxurious house in a small neighborhood full of people who wave and smile. 1 mile down the road is a playground with a duck pond, library, and a pizza shop that serves Sweet Water beer. Soon we will trade it all for a 13x15 room with cinder block walls. Old school buses stacked with Riken and NRS rafts squeaking outside our screen door. Public showers. PBR beer. Oh but it feels so right for us!It is a different set of luxuries. Friends all around, the river, hiking trails, sweating in the sun, roughing it and making money! Saving money!
As a lover of the outdoors I always new I could never trade it all in for a suburban life when I had a family. I knew my husband would be a hardworking outdoors man with unconventional dreams. I knew our children would grow up in the outdoor rec. world. As backward and messy as it has been finding my way.. it feels more clear and right than ever and I know God had his hand in that.
The process of cleaning up our living space at the river has begun. It looks like I might have some WORK cleaning bathrooms and rental cabins after hours. Giving me a break from Lia and a little money to add to our jar. It feels like we are slowly rolling up to the white start line of summer.


  1. It sort of seems like we come out of limbo doesn't it? Raft guides emerge in the spring like bears (hibernation- and smell-wise).

  2. All gangly and pale...stumbling into the freezing waters. :) I agree.
