Tuesday, March 22, 2011

First blog entry ever

We are not on the River yet...but possibilities of what this summer will look like are being tossed around. What room will our tiny clan occupy? A garden? Where? A chicken..(don't push your luck) Will we continue P90X? Maybe Ill get up early and run before Lia wakes(HA), Ducktown, TN public pool, Blue Hole swim lessons for Lia, possible work for ME? Vincent balancing raft guiding and his grown up job AKA real job. Will I sew? Will I actually write this blog? And the question that I don't want the answer to yet...what after? Will we be closer to our plot of land with an outdoor shower, cozy home, and a cow named cow (because she is for dinner)?


  1. Girl you are crazy! Funny post. So proud you are going after your dreams! Miss you guys so much!!!

  2. Hi Jessica. Glad you are working toward getting closer to your dream. I enjoyed yor visit toJuicyMaters a few weeks back and appreciate your adding my little site to yor blogroll...I will be sure to reciprocate...us yurters and wannaa-be yurters gotta stick together.

    If you have a Ducktown address you are about a hour and a half from me...I'm down in Pickens Co. You and the family might want to come check out the yurt and the little homestead (though I don't rough it as much as you sound like you want to. I'm older and want my comforts...LOL).

    Keep coming back to JuicyMaters...you never know what's gonna pop up new over there. Up coming in the next couple of days is a story of two nice little ol' ladies and a buck-naked redneck . Look for it in the Eureka Moments category.

    I'll be popping in occasionally...yurters are a rare bunch and I like to keep up with the close-by ones.

    See ya!

  3. Thank you for the invite. We might take you up on that sometime. We are practically neighbors. I have been enjoying your JuicyMaters blog. I'm sure Ill be taking advantage of any experience in yurts and homesteading you have to share as things progress. Thanks! Keep in touch!
